【重要なお知らせ】 Booking.com・Agodaからの不正メールにつきまして
宿泊予約サイトBooking.com・Agoda 経由で予約された一部のお客様に対しまして、実在のウェブサイトを装った不正なウェブサイト(フィッシングサイト)へ誘導するメッセージが配信されたことを確認しました。
sankara hotel & spa 屋久島
The above message has been sent to a number of customers, some of whom have booked via Booking.com, directing them to a fraudulent website (phishing site) that pretends to be a real website.
We have asked Booking.com, the company that manages all booking information, to investigate this incident.
Neither Booking.com nor our hotels request credit card details or payment by email or chat after a booking has been made. Please do not access the URL in the email.
If you have any questions, please contact Booking.com or our hotel.
We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience and worry this may have caused to our guests.
sankara hotel & spa Yakushima
General Manager